Code of Conduct
At MIU, all of us are responsible for cultivating and maintaining an environment of academic excellence and respect for others. Due to the large number of international students and the important role the coursework plays in our students’ professional development, we have established a conduct code based on four pillars.
Non-discrimination policy
MIU is committed to a policy of non-descrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, country of origin, rank, political affiliation, or opinions. Please review your rights and responsibilities.
Any act of discrimination must be documented in writing, including specific details. If a student or prospective student wishes to file a complaint with the appropriate authorities, they must explain the type of discrimination they have experienced, identify the person responsible, sign the complaint, and submit it to MIU.
In the absence of a written document, the university employee or faculty member who receives the complaint must document it in a memorandum and send it to Student Development or Human Resources. If the complaint is not signed, it will be considered an informal complaint.
MIU will investigate all complaints. These investigations may include interviews, reports summarizing the findings, descriptions of the investigation process, conclusions, and recommendations. The reports will remain confidential.
In the interest of promoting a positive environment, MIU may attempt to mediate between the parties involved. If the mediation is not successful, a MIU representative will issue a final report within 30 days of receiving the complaint.
Both the accused party and the party filing the complaint will be notified in writing of the findings and the appeal process. Once the complaint process has been completed and all the involved parties have been informed, the accused party will have 5 days to appeal the decision to the university, which will reevaluate the case and the reason for the appeal.
Finally, corrective action will be taken and the necessary measures will be applied, which may include disciplinary actions. Disciplinary actions may include written reprimands in the student’s or employee’s file, the restriction or loss of privileges, and even suspension.
Complaints may be withdrawn, but MIU reserves the right to continue the investigation. Any attempt at retaliation will be considered a separate offense and treated as a new instance of discrimination. Any complaints deemed to be frivolous or made in bad faith may result in disciplinary actions against the person who filed the complaint.
Attendance and punctuality
Classes are an essential part of your academic experience, whether you’re studying an online or hybrid program. Our attendance and punctuality policy is designed to ensure you make the most of every opportunity to build your knowledge and connect with your peers and instructors.
MIU expects each student to fulfill the attendance requirements for their bachelor’s, master’s, or Continuing Education program:
- Attendance is checked daily. Students may have a maximum of two absences per semester. Students who miss 3 to 5 classes in a semester will have their grades lowered. Students who miss more than 5 classes will fail the course.
- Attendance to online classes will be monitored through the online platform by instructors or advisors.
- Students studying a hybrid program with a F1 visa are required to attend all classes held on campus.
Arriving to class on time is essential for the overall success of each academic program. For this reason, a student is considered late if they arrive more than 5 minutes after the class begins. If a student arrives more than 15 minutes late, they will be considered absent.
If a student leaves the class before the end of the class, this will also be noted on the student’s record. 3 tardies or 3 early departures will be considered equal to 1 absence.
In the event that a student leaves class early and misses more than half of the class, they will be considered absent for the entire class. If a student has more than 6 tardies or 6 early departures, they will receive academic support to improve their time management skills.
We use expulsion as a last resort to maintain a safe and respectful learning environment for all our students.
Expulsion is the most severe disciplinary action MIU can take. It will be carried out in the event that a student engages in any type of serious misconduct. Once the student has been informed of their expulsion, they must leave the campus immediately.
The university’s decision, the infraction committed, and the resulting expulsion will all be included in the student’s academic record through the Registrar’s Office. Following expulsion, the student will have the right to file a complaint or request a refund.
We use expulsion as a last resort to maintain a safe and respectful learning environment for all our students.
Expulsion is the most severe disciplinary action MIU can take. It will be carried out in the event that a student engages in any type of serious misconduct. Once the student has been informed of their expulsion, they must leave the campus immediately.
The university’s decision, the infraction committed, and the resulting expulsion will all be included in the student’s academic record through the Registrar’s Office. Following expulsion, the student will have the right to file a complaint or request a refund.
Leaves of absence
We understand that life events can sometimes get in the way of your studies. Our policy regarding leaves of absence is designed to give you the flexibility you need in those moments, providing the opportunity to return to your studies when you’re ready without compromising your academic progress.
To request a leave of absence, students must fill out a form and submit it to the appropriate authority: the Dean or, in their absence, the Associate Dean.
The university may make an exception for students with a medical emergency (such as a car accident) or military service. These types of cases will only be considered when the student returns to their academic program within a maximum of 120 days.
Acceptable reasons to request a leave of absence:
- Jury duty.
- Military service.
- Circumstances included in the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA):
- For the birth and care of the newborn child of a student.
- For placement with the student of a child for adoption or foster care.
- To care for a spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition.
- When the student has a serious health condition.
Generally speaking, students cannot take more than one leave of absence during a 12-month period. However, it may be possible to request a second leave of absence as long as the total leave does not exceed 120 days in one year.
Students can also request non-consecutive leaves of absence for the same reason (for example, a serious health condition that requires multiple treatments). This type of leave will only be permitted when there is a reasonable expectation the student will return to the university following their leave.
At MIU, we understand that students request a leave of absence due to extraordinary life circumstances. For this reason, as long as the student complies with the time period established, there is no additional cost for taking a leave of absence. However, if the student overstays their leave, they will be charged a re-enrollment fee when they return to their studies.
If a student does not return to their studies following their leave of absence, the charges will be billed to their account in accordance with the refund policy. All refund and cancellation policies will be applied based on the student’s last day of attendance at the university.